United Hatzalah And MDA Treat 28 People For Injuries During Levaya of Hagaon HaRav Shalom Cohen ZT”L

Over the course of the funeral of Hagaon HaRav Shalom Cohen that took place in Jerusalem today, United Hatzalah volunteers treated 28 people for a variety of minor injuries.

Volunteers and ambulance teams from the organization worked together with Magen David Adom to provide medical coverage during the funeral procession that took place in the Capital. The injuries included minor contusions and abrasions, a number of incidents of fainting, as well as other medical emergencies. The Clalit medical center that was located on the route of the procession worked together with United Hatzalah to provide care for those in need of medical attention.

President and Founder of United Hatzalah Eli Beer said, “United Hatzalah volunteers and ambulance teams working together with MDA did exemplary work in providing medical coverage for the thousands of participants in the funeral procession this afternoon. Our volunteers on ambucycles also responded to a number of medical emergencies that took place in the adjacent roads that were blocked by the procession and thus continued to provide fast and free medical coverage to the residents in those neighborhoods.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. did exemplary work Even more exemplary is staying far away from all large crowds לשם מצוות “ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם”

  2. In the old days it was the Maariv and Yididot Achronot that would focus on the negativity instead of the positivity. It’s embarrassing when it is now YWN focusing on the downside.
    BTW – 28 minor issues (which probably dealt with dehydration as it was apparently VERY hot) is not bad when you consider how many thousands of people attended.

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