WATCH MOVING VIDEO: 13 Siblings Make ‘Chasunah’ Of His Dreams For Their Special Brother

Channel 13 News screenshots

Channel 13 News reported on a moving family event and the love and devotion that 13 siblings showed to their brother with special needs

Simchale, who has Down syndrome, is the seventh child in the Lizrovitz family of 14 siblings.

Simchale saw his siblings get married one after the other. He also wanted to have a chasunah but he’s not high-functioning enough to get married. Instead, he decided he wanted to make a Hachnasas Sefer Torah.

His brother Moti told Channel 13 News: “We decided to make him a Hachnasas Sefer Torah in the style of a chasunah. That is, from the very first stage of waking up in the morning and going to the Kosel, for which we ordered a special decorated vehicle.”

Photographer Shlomi Cohen said: “I photographed many events and this one was the most moving one I ever photographed. The investment of the family, 14 siblings had gowns sewn, makeup, and hairdos. I’ve never seen so much devotion. It caused many people from families with special needs children to love their children more and not be ashamed of them.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. This video should be shown in Shuls that do not allow such special Neshomos to even get an Aliyah !!!!Yes…I’m talking about all the big צדיקים , who are too embarrassed to even shake the hand of such H’yligah people !!!! And yes… I experience it every time I take my special needs child with Down Syndrome ,to Shul but can’t get him an Aliyah . Thank you to Yeshiva Bonim LaMokom … Gan Eyden on this earth . The Administrators , Menahelim, & Rabbieim should have שנים טובים וערוכים .

  2. !הנה מה טוב ומה נעים שבת אחים גם יחד
    This is so touching and beautiful. Hashem please look at this beautiful scene and bring the Geula now!

  3. English rendition of the Hebrew video captions:

    A slightly different wedding:
    – because Simchala identified that he would not be able to marry,
    his family treated him as the groom in the ceremony
    of bringing a Torah scroll in his honor.

    Moti Lizarowitz – Simchala’s brother:
    We are a family of 14 children,
    and he has Down syndrome.

    Simchala is the seventh in the family,
    and he is at an understanding level,
    that he realizes that he cannot marry.

    Then he said, “I want to make a Sefer Torah Celebration”
    And we chose to do it for him in the style of a wedding.

    Simchala’s family chose to produce
    this festive event to make him happy.

    We chose to really make him a Sefer Torah celebration
    – wedding style,
    which means staging the event from the time of getting up in the morning,
    and including travelling to the [Western] Wall.

    We also rented him a beautiful Hummer car,
    lavishly decorated.

    The time is 1:30 pm,
    but it is like 8:00 pm [the time passes with such excitement].
    How exciting!
    Thank you Hashem (G-d) – you moved the whole people of Israel.

    And those present will have trouble holding back
    the tears of excitement and joy.

    Shlomi Cohen – photographer of the wedding event:
    I photographed quite a few events,
    but this event is really the most exciting I’ve photographed.

    The family’s investment:
    14 siblings sewed dresses, makeup, hairstyles…

    I tell you,
    I have never seen such an investment.

    It made a lot of people
    from families of special children,
    to love their children,
    and not hide them,
    and not to [themselves] hide.

    And at the end of the evening he left
    under the makeshift canopy.

    There is here a clear message of the need to accept the other and the different.
    There is a need to rethink,
    how much love must be shown to each and every person.

    Rabbi Yosef Lizarowitz – Simchala’s father:
    May G-d teach us,
    what is patience, what is cheerfulness,
    what is unconditional love,
    and what is true love.

    The thing that moved us the most?
    It was the feedback we received,
    and that we continue to receive,
    [from] Down syndrome parents, siblings…

    Lots of parents, they saw –
    how to put children up front,
    and be happy with them,
    and show them off,
    and show them off in front of the whole world,
    and make the whole family happy of them.

    And that was the main goal,
    at Simchala’s wedding!

  4. ralphz:

    I feel your pain. I count many wondeful locals with Down’s as friends. They are indeed wonderful, special Neshamos.
    Regarding Aliyos, is it Pashut to give an Aliyah to someone who cannot read along with the Baal Korei? Perhaps this Halachic concern is behind some of this Hakpadah?

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