Williamsburg Resident Injured In J-m Terror Attack Begins To Recover

The head of Shaarei Tzedek Hospital, Prof. Ofer Merin, visits Reb Yoshua Hersh Glick.

Yoshua Hersh Glick, a father of nine from Williamsburg, New York, who was critically injured in the Jerusalem terror attack a week ago, is Baruch Hashem beginning to recover.

When Reb Glick arrived at Shaarei Tzedek Hospital following the attack, he was in severe condition due to a bullet wound in his neck. He underwent emergency treatment in the trauma unit and was then transferred to the operation room for emergency surgery, which saved his life.

Several days ago, Glick was transferred from the ICU to a regular hospital unit. On Sunday morning, the head of Shaarei Tzedek, Prof. Ofer Merin, visited Reb Glick, along with Chesky Berkowitz, an askan and medical adviser and friend of the family from the US, and Motti Fried, the head of the Saad U’Marpe organization.

Reb Glick and his family members emotionally expressed their deep gratitude to Prof. Marin for the lifesaving treatment he received at Shaarei Tzedek and the devoted care of the staff.

Reb Glick, 46, was visiting Eretz Yisrael in order to daven at the mekomos hakedoshos ahead of his son’s wedding.

The pulic is asked to daven for the refuah sheleimah of:

Liba Ahuva bas Rivka Breindel and her infant, Tinok ben Liba Ahuva.

Yoshua Tzvi ben Sora and his son, HaChassan Baruch Bendit ben Chana Gittel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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