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Kuntar’s a Dead Man

A short time after his release, a senior unnamed security official was quoted by Yediot Achronot as saying, “now that he is free, Samir Kuntar is a dead man”.

The report explains that the senior official explained that now that he is a free man, he is a marked man and his days are numbered. He hinted that Israeli intelligence officials will not rest until he is tracked down and eliminated.

“After he was released from prison, we are not responsible for him in any way. We will hunt him down until we get him,” stated the official.

Others who shared in the sentiment advise Kuntar not to remain outdoors too much, explaining it can be very dangerous to be seen during daylight hours.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. That’s ridiculous. If Kuntar is killed, Israel will never again be able to negotiate for a captive’s release. Kuntar will live to a ripe old age if he doesn’t step in front of a bus.

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