J-m Terror Attack: Improvement In Condition Of 2 Seriously Wounded Victims

Scene of the Jerusalem terror attack on Motzei Shabbos, August 13, 2022. (United Hatzalah)

B’chasdei Hashem, the condition of the two seriously wounded victims of the terror attack in Jerusalem on Motzei Shabbos has improved, a statement from Shaarei Tzedek Hospital said on Monday morning.

The condition of the Satmar chassid in his 40s who was shot in his head and the 35-year-old woman who was shot in the abdomen and underwent an emergency C-section stabilized overnight and their lives are no longer in danger.

The condition of the infant delivered prematurely also stabilized overnight. However, Dr. Alon Bin-Nun, the head of the NICU at Shaare Tzedek, said, “the baby still requires extensive support and his life is still in danger.”

A 20-year-old victim who suffered gunshot wounds to his neck and hand is still hospitalized in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. He is fully conscious and in moderate condition.

As of Monday morning, Elazer Prover, 19, one of two brothers who were lightly wounded in the attack, was still hospitalized in the orthopedic department of Hadassah Har HaTzofim, where he is being treated for a fractured shoulder. Elazar saved the life of another victim by tying a tourniquet before he even realized that he himself had been shot.

The pulic is asked to daven for the refuah sheleimah of:

Liba Ahuva bas Rivka Breindel and her infant, Tinok ben Liba Ahuva.

Yoshua Tzvi ben Sora and his son, HaChassan Baruch Bendit ben Chana Gittel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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