Yeshivah bochurim on their way to the Kosel on Tisha B’Av night were violently attacked by Arabs, leaving one bochur unconscious.
The attack occurred on Motzei Shabbos at midnight when the three bochurim were near Sha’ar HaAshpot. Suddenly, an Arab jumped out of the doorway of one of the houses and jumped on 24-year-old Y., punching him in his jaw with brass knuckles.
A second Arab then joined the attack, beating Y.’s head with a rock in his hand. Another one of the bochurim was attacked with pepper spray. Meanwhile, Y. collapsed and lost consciousness. His friends screamed for help, alerting the police officers who were standing at the entrance to Sha’ar HaAshpot.
The two Arabs fled the scene and the police were unable to locate them. Y. was evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, where he received stitches on his head and face and was Baruch Hashem, released the next morning.

Y. and his friends are being represented by a lawyer from the Honenu legal aid organization. “This is another serious incident of a severe, violent, and antisemitic attack against Jews by vile terrorists who spread fear on the streets of Jerusalem within touching distance of the Border Police station,” said Attorney Chaim Bleicher. “There’s been an increase in attacks in recent days and this is apparently a worrying trend that must be met with a decisive response.”
The police are investigating the incident.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
7 Responses
The bucher was an idiot for walking thru shar aspos in middle of the night
And that was a beautiful remark for 2 days after Tishaa BeAv ! Shkoyach I envy your Olam Habo.
Mr common saychal, do you have any idea where Shaar HaAshpah is? It’s the main entrance to the kotel that the busses drive in and out of, and is located a few feet away from the kotel. There are soldiers stationed there around the clock, and always Jews walking in and out, day and night. Worse than nastiness is cluelessness.
We can’t judge why this happened and what should of been done differently we just need to be careful and do our effort to stay safe but obviously Hashem decides what will happen to whom wherever. Just take the message and fix something your life.
@Jewish12345 – what does stay safe mean?! I gather you meant to learn how to choke or take down your opponent or/and get a gun.
Mr [lack of] commonsaychel it is seriously more dangerous to walk down ocean parkway in broad daylight, just based on the stats… can I say that comment was idiotic and clueless hate.
jewish 12345 perhaps is not even a jew…..time to carry , time not to ask questions at all…I live in the Old City and the Arabs are coming through the Rova like flies these days because they can and with pit bulls because they can…..guess what…..maybe peace will evolve too….who knows, but do not waste words ,