Shailos V’Teshuvos: “Should Bochurim Not Take An Interest In Current Events?

HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein. (Kikar H'Shabbat screenshot)

Almost 2,000 Israeli yeshivah bochurim entering yeshivah gedolah in Elul gathered on Sunday at a conference organized by the Achrayut project of Lev Shomea.

At the conference, a video was shown of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein answering a series of shailos that were presented to him at his home. The video was published on Wednesday by Kikar H’Shabbat.

Can a bochur grow without learning mussar?

HaRav Edelstein: “No. Mussar elevates a person, it provides him with a happy life. If he never tried, he doesn’t understand what mussar is.”

A bachur who wishes to grow – should he not take an interest at all in what’s going on in the world?

HaRav Edelstein: “The bochur should ask…it depends on which bochur – each person according to his nature.”

How important is it to take advantage of time?

HaRav Edelstein: “It’s a very important thing. There’s betailah (idleness) that is a result of curiosity. Curiosity brings betailah. Curiosity can cause someone to ask: ‘What’s going on?’ and lead to much betailah.”

Bochurim who weren’t accepted to the yeshiva they wanted and feel unsuccessful and unwanted – how should they view the situation?

HaRav Edelstein: “Everything is in the hands of Shamayim. Whatever Hashem does is for the good. Wherever Hakadosh Baruch Hu placed him is for his good. If they didn’t want him, then it’s for his good – so he shouldn’t go there. The main thing is a place where there’s yiras Shamayim and middos tovos.”

Should a bochur be makpid on tefillah in yeshiva? Sometimes there’s a bochur who wants to learn until late at night and afterward it’s hard for him to wake up for yeshiva davening. Can he daven elsewhere?

HaRav Edelstein: “No, no, no, it’s not kadai! Tefillah in yeshivah is something else, a different tefillah with more kavana. It’s a very important thing.

Is there chashivus in learning during bein hasedarim and how much?”

HaRav Edelstein: “Each person according to his capability. One shouldn’t strain himself.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Its refreshing to hear that the Rav is taking a flexible position regarding bochurim maintaining a minimal degree of awareness of what is happening in the world around them. Doing so at some basic level would not disrupt their learning and will, by definition, facilitate their ability to function in society, access programs and resources that will provide assistance to their families etc. As the Rav notes, the question is very case specific and should be judged accordingly.

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