WATCH: Turks Bust Another Iranian Attempt To Murder Israelis, Publish Video Of Agent

Illustrative. An Iranian agent takes photos of the hotel room of three Israeli female tourists in Istanbul in preparation for their murder, in August 2022. (Screenshot)

Turkish forces thwarted another attempt by Iranian agents to murder Israelis in Istanbul, local media reported over the weekend

According to reports, the police arrested four Iranian agents last week. Some agents tried to escape from the police by escaping out of a window of their hotel room but the police caught them close to the hotel.

According to a report by The Daily Sabah, the agents were paid $35,000 by their Iranian handlers to murder three female Israeli tourists in their hotel room in Taksim Square, a popular tourist hotspot. The police found a rifle, two pistols with silencers, and ammunition in the men’s possession.

The Sabah published a video showing an Iranian agent photographing the tourists’ hotel room.

Last month, Israel and Turkey thwarted three Iranian attempts to kidnap and murder Israeli citizens in Istanbul.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Might be time for Israelis to stop going to Turkey (DUH!). No reason to visit a country that hates you in the first place. Conduct business remotely and vacation elsewhere.

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