Shas Boycotts Hamodia Menahalim Conference

shas.jpgShas has announced it will be boycotting the Menahalim Conference scheduled to take place this week in the Jerusalem Convention Center, an event that organizers predict will attract 3,000 visitors from the entire chareidi spectrum.

A letter was circulated by the Shas-affiliated Mayan Chinuch Torani Educational Network signed by the general-manager, Yoav Ben-Tzur, prohibiting employees of the nationwide educational network from attending the conference.

Some Shas officials are signaling that the decision is not unanimous but nevertheless, Shas MK Margi told ‘Kol Chareidi’ that the party is uninterested in participating in an event sponsored by a newspaper that “disrespects Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita”.

NOTE: This is in reference to the Hamodia newspaper in Eretz Yisroel -not the USA.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

26 Responses

  1. Way to go,
    the Israeli Hamodia as well the Israeli Yated have got learn that da’as Torah is not what they decide.
    They must learn that it is absolutely forbidden to disrepect any rav. It’s discusting to see how they you use the most disgraceful words against the enemies of their “daas torah”, harsher then they would use for terrorist.
    Real low lifes

  2. I’m an Askenazi and in matter of fact a chasid!

    No body should mess with Chacham Yosef! Period.

    I happen to like the Homodia they do a wonderfull job.

    Chacham Ovadia is 2day one of the biggist talmidei chachamim.

    Full respect!


  3. Strange because what I like about HaModia (English) is the respect with which it holds Rav Ovadia and all Sephardi Rabbanim.

  4. The Hamodia can be easily renamed the jewish ” new york times” biased, always with their own agenda; respecting those that will never hinder their progress(agudah) or only those that say yes to them all the time while burning down buildings of different news paper companies that contradict them. Not mentioning important stories or information that the rest of the chareidi world should and would want to know about. Here again, a money making business run by the (agudah) followers where money is the goal and all emes fails. THeir manipulation to the klall is so strong that even I’m an agudah’nik and I disagree.Most people in israel will say that shas is the strongest party with the best and smartest leaders the government still possesses. Good for them that they will not attend. There are some great people in the charedi sector of the knesset including shas one of which would be Porush that of course the gerrer run agudah wants to always bring down.

  5. Moorche, get to know Hamodia E”Y. The jewish ” New york times” biased, own agenda, discriminatory= not emes. UNFORTUNATELY. Run by gerrer chassidim with only Aguda-gerr in mind and their gains politically and financially. It’s an old story. But at the end of the day if Litzman would run against Eli Yishai then even Aguda followers such as me would vote for Yishai. We all know the truth but we’re also vicitims of a manipulative party. Some other great charedi government members are shas and people like Rav Porush=he’s also a real Ish Emes that also terribly suffers from agudah; their always looking for reasons to get rid of him. Remember, Hashavua; it was another newspaper company which contradicted Hamodia and what happened to them at the end? Their building was burnt down by Hamodia….

  6. Mooche, by the way, I didn’t realize that you said I wouldn’t expect I thought you said I would. Well if that’s the case “Your behavior resembles the behavior of Hamodia to the sefardim” I am ashkenazik and clearly think that sefardim and ashkenazim should equally be respected no matter where their coming from. The charedi or perhaps the daati world is so small as it is, can we afford this hatred?????? Yes within the community there are sometimes unfortunately people that will make the wrong decisions for the klall (with a lack of emes)but in galus; it will always happen.THere are chashuva yidden all over. Not necessarily are those that are presenting the rest of us in the government more chashuv in the eyes of hashem……

  7. by the way just because shas banned the meeting, doesn’t mean HaRav Yosef did. NOw at days thanks to all the askanim, if one wants to know das or dat Torah you have to hear it yourself! first hand

  8. miriamlu,

    I also think, as you think, that Sefaradim and Ashkenazim should equally respect each other no matter where they are coming from. But the reality is Ashkenazim in America and E”Y does not respect Sefaradim. That is no secret. And as you said we can’t afford this hatred. So maybe it is the time for Ashkenazim to stop the hatred

  9. the chareidishe velt could’ve made a huge kiddush hashem, and jews from all over could’ve davened to Hashem b’achdus, but squabbling has prevented that as usual. come on, people! don’t disrespect rabbonim and don’t boycott conferences because you feel slighted by someone else!

    we are JEWS! we can be better, we are better, we MUST be better than this!

  10. miriamlu, Can you write without resorting to run-on sentences? Perhaps then people would be able to understand some of your drivel.

  11. Hey ‘Miriamlu’

    Did u forget what happened in 1948 and until present day! You cant put Sephardim and Askenazim on the same line b/c a major part of them till 2day consider Sephardim second class citizens. And you guys barely put us in the same line. Sephardim in Eretz Yisrael have to change their name to ‘Goldberg’ ending in a European last name! Now I attended both Ashkenaz & Sephardi Yeshivot i saw both sides of the coins i wrote books on history so get ur facts straight! When u said ‘I am ashkenazik and clearly think that sefardim and ashkenazim should equally be respected no matter where their coming from.’ Absolutley ur right but on the otherside Sephardim in EY arent pointing fingures and not allowing ashkenazim into their schools its the other way around buddy! Watch the video ‘The ringworm children’ then get back to me!

  12. people here who are pointing their fingers at ashkenazim should know that its both ways
    alot of sephardim have a inferiorty complex from ashkenazim and thier for put them done
    they say their not miyuchsin and that their descendant of giyaram and not mehudar for adeim …
    also their is the same thing amongst sephardim of diferrent back rounds
    the main thing is evryone shoud work on their own hahvas chaveirim and respect all of Hashems children

  13. Hey Avf –

    My father was in the sx day war him and abunch of his sephardi friends got bitten up and called frankim – thats doesnt exist the other way around! And shas was built on having Sephardi say in the country b/c the were treated like dogs- my father came to israel from morocco they were shuved in tents while thousands of polish got actual homes! This is history not fiction!

  14. Have we forgotten that it was the “Ashkenazi” giant Maran Hagoen HaRav Shach ZTV’L that built the Sefardi party Shas?

  15. Yes thats correct that was to create a frum party and later taken over a Sephardi party so they can have say in the government! Those 2 gedolim at one point didnt get along put towards the end of R’Shachs life they did!
    According to Hacham Ovadias son’s which i spoke personally with was R’ Ovadias intention was to unite sephardim which easier than other jewish segments to have an actual say in the country!
    60 years later not much changed with this crazy Sinhat Hinam!

  16. Legacy i was in my comment only referring to shomrei torah and mitsvos what secular anti religous zionim do is obviously a different parsha not comparable at all
    now unless im very mistaken it sounds like they were beat up by non religous people same for putting people of oriental backrounds in tents only cold hearted “educated” zionist`s would do that not frum people
    referring to sefardim as frankim in a deragetory way i unfortanetly do hear from frumers [thou i do not believe its deragatory in itself]
    but i have also heard sephardim say “hu ashkenazi”
    in a deragatory way and to call other sephardim pharsis my point being that its unfortanetly a problem all around
    by the way R shach zt`l of course knew that shas would have diffrent hashkafahs then him and still said its only the right thing to help give sephardim their own party

  17. shame on yeshiva world, why should you say hamodia said this isn’t that rechilus, just because your a news source doesn’t mean you have to say lashon hara

    BTW I respect R’ Ovadia very much and I feel this was somewhat construed and there was some misunderstanding

  18. Avf yes it goes both ways ur 100% right and thank u – ur recent post was well put – Besides Tisha Beav is coming no sinat hinam!
    All the best – by the way u should by the book ‘A Legacy of Leaders’ on Sephardi gedolim you would like it! My cuzin write it!

  19. Have we forgotten that it was the “Ashkenazi” giant Maran Hagoen HaRav Shach ZTV’L that built the Sefardi party Shas?

    Comment by Joseph — July 16, 2008 @ 2:19 pm
    Do you know the reason R. Shach built the party? So that they would be SEPERETE from the ‘degel party’. It has been a love-hate relationship from the start, with a different lifestyle, culture, background and understanding of torat hashem on both sides of the fence.

  20. cityofgold –

    Appreciate what Maran Hagoen HaRav Eliezer Shach ZTV’L did by building the party from scratch, rather than falsely insinuating ulterior motives.

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