Quartet Sinking More Money in Gaza

Quartet Mideast envoy Tony Blair is expected to become the most senior diplomat to visit Hamas-controlled Gaza since the terrorist regime assumed control of the area. He will be promoting a Quartet-backed economic plan.

Blair is expected to visit Gaza this week but the visit is always doubtful due to security considerations. Aides to the envoy would not comment but they did signal that the ongoing ceasefire between Israel and Hamas makes the visit a real possibility.

Nothing has been heard from Israel regarding the visit, not even a request to link Blair’s offer to assist the Hamas regime financially to the release of Gilad Shalit.

Mr. Noam Shalit, Gilad’s father, on Monday expressed his pain over the fact that it appears his son has been abandoned by the Israeli government.

The Quarter consists of the United States, European Union, Russia and the United Nations.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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