WATCH: Joe Lieberman: “How Can Biden Be So Naïve About Iran?”

Former U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn. spoke to Newsmax on Thursday about US President Joe Biden’s disagreement with Israel about the proper approach to Iran.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid asserted on Thursday that the only way to stop Iran is to “put a credible military threat on the table” but Biden publicly disagreed that “diplomacy is the best way forward.”

Lieberman wondered how Biden could possibly be so naive about Iran after so many decades in foreign policy and noted how Biden’s stance on Iran “will carry over to Saudi Arabia which is the real focus of Biden’s visit.”

As Lieberman put it: “The Iranians won’t just give up their nuclear program to be nice to us even if they bribe them. It’s naive to think that that’s the case.”

Lieberman also discussed the fact that Biden claimed during an interview with Israeli media that the Trump administration “walked away from the Middle East” – completely ignoring the Abraham Accords and the fact that Biden himself is sabotaging ties with the most important player in the Middle East by its stance on Iran. At a time when the US desperately needs Saudi oil, the kingdom views the US negotiations with Iran “as sitting down with their enemy.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Hiddush?

    He’s naive about Ukraine, climate, deficit spending and inflation, etc. So who would ever expect him to become clever about Iran???

  2. This filthy demented Alzheimer diseased TREASONOUS DemonRat, is not naïve.
    He is on their side.
    This same America hating traitor, handed over Afghanistan on a silver platter to the murderous terrorist Taliban, and deliberately left them over 50 billion dollar worth of the most modern weapons.
    Have we forgotten, that this swine was the only one in Obama’s cabinet who voted against killing that monster Bin Laden.

  3. It’s your party, Joe. How could you not realize what they are?? I’d say unbelievable, but it is believable.

    go back and “nudge” hollywood.

    you are without values or honor

  4. It’s not naivete. it’s deliberate treason. He is continuing his patron 0bama’s policy of deliberately building up Iran as a regional power, in order to reduce the USA’s influence in the world.

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