President Biden! “Jerusalem Was Given By G-d To Israel For Eternity”

Photo: Toras Hamedina

The Toras Hamedina organization and the residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Orot, which is near the Palestinian hospital US President Joe Biden is visiting on Friday, hung a protest sign along the route to the hospital, Arutz Sheva reported.

Biden will be the first US president to visit east Jerusalem in a violation of the US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital, a recognition which has been ratified in US law. Additionally, US officials rejected Israel’s request to allow Israeli officials to accompany him on the visit.

The sign states: “President Biden! The entire Jerusalem was given by G-d to King David and his son Solomon and to all of Am Yisrael for eternity.”

A protest against Biden’s visit to east Jerusalem was banned by Israel Police.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Beautiful, this is true גאון יעקב!

    Just three questions:

    1) Why mention Shlomo and Dovid? Wasn’t the land promised to Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov?

    2) The picture of the flag in the background weakens their entire claim! They try to (rightfully) claim that the land was promised to us by G-d thousands of years ago, yet they bring a flag that implies that the land was given to us by the UN a few decades ago!

    3) “Toras Hamedina” is an oxymoron: When does the TORAH ever call Eretz Yisroel “MEDINA”? And when does the current “Medinah” ever care about the TORAH?

  2. Such pathetic Zionist idolatry.

    Dovid HaMelech and Shlomo HaMelech have nothing to do with the (NOT Jewish but) Zionist-Arab conflict of the past century.

  3. @Gadolhadorah, the headline is not a quote from Biden, it is a protest against him.

    @HaKatan: Why do you interpret the word ירושלים to mean “Zionist-Arab conflict”? All the sign states is that ירושלים was a gift to the Yidden from Hashem. I assume you mention ideas along these lines every day in davening.
    [Although I do agree that it was completely senseless and counterintuitive for them to add a picture of that flag which undermines the fact that the land was gifted by Hashem to Am Yisroel eternally.]

  4. coffee addict – the YWN did that davka, so that you (and me, all of us) would click on this otherwise boring news item….

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