AT BIDEN’S REQUEST: Israel Making Risky Concessions To The PA Ahead Of Visit

Then-Vice President Joe Biden (l) with with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, March 10, 2010. (AP/Tara Todras-Whitehill)

Israeli media reported earlier this week that Prime Minister Yair Lapid is “welcoming” Biden with a number of concessions to the PA at the request of the US in order to “improve the atmosphere” between Israel and the PA.

The concessions include the retroactive approval of illegal Arab construction in the E1 area of Area C, which is under full Israeli military and civilian control.

Yesha Council head Yigal Dilmoni responded to the report by complaining that the council had not been provided with any information about which sites will be approved. “We’re talking about dozens of illegal Palestinian sites,” he said

Additional concessions include the establishment of 4G cellular networks in the PA, a move that has been opposed in the past by Israel’s security establishment, which maintains control over telecommunications in the PA and Gaza; the granting of thousands of work permits to Palestinian Arabs; and the halt or delay of the eviction of illegal squatters near Ma’ale Adumim and in Masafer Yatta, an area in the South Chevron Hills.

These concessions are in addition to the delay of the demolition of the homes of the Tel Aviv and Ariel terrorists at the Biden administration’s request, as well as Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s phone call to PA President Mahmoud Abbas last week, also carried out at the White House’s request.

During the trip, Biden is also expected to announce a US initiative for additional economic aid to the Palestinian Authority.

The Biden administration seems compelled to make as many concessions to the PA as possible in order to quell Abbas’s fury, who threatened to retaliate against Israel by halting security cooperation or even halting the PA’s recognition of Israel due to the US’s failure to advance peace talks and fulfill its promises of reopening the PA consulate and the PLO’s diplomatic mission in Washington.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. How about sleepy joe demanding his concession requests to putin vis a vis Ukraine? & stop interfering in the sovereign affairs of Israel.

  2. How dare they do such a thing!?

    Each member of the government was given a special responsibility by Hashem to do everything with their hishtadlus to protect Am Yisroel.

    Every concession to the PA puts millions of Yidden in danger. How many concessions have the PA made to Eretz Yisroel! The Palestinians bomb Jews, stab Jews, shoot Jews – and then they have the chutzpa to ask for concessions!?

    Shame on the American president who makes such demands, and shame on any Jew who has so little faith in his Creator and his people, that he is ready to give in to every stupid demand of some goy.

    May they all do a teshuva shleima and worry only about the peace and safety of Yidden, and remember that true peace will only come through standing tall and proud as Jews with Torah and mitzvos, thus heralding in Moshiach Tzidkeinu.

  3. I had forgotten about this newfangled method of making peace, whereby you give in to all the demands of your enemy while asking for nothing in return, and then you hope really really hard that your enemy will like you going forward.

    I’m amazed this strategy skipped my mind. I believe Neville Chamberlain tried it out during World War 2 and it proved very effective for the Germans!

  4. Stop celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut – Israel is NOT an independent country – everything they do or don’t needs international approval – do you call this independence?

  5. Biden isn’t a Jew or an Israeli…he has no voice in Israel….PERIOD__nail down all that is important of Hunter will sell it to China

  6. @DavidtheKanoi:
    Very true, the only “independence” that they celebrate is the (imagined) “independence” from Torah and mitzvos, r”l.

    While we must daven for the safety of all Yidden wherever they find themselves (and certainly those in our holy land), let us also daven that they realize how wrong they are, that a Jew is never independent from Hashem.
    The only true Jewish government will be when Moshiach comes and rules over Eretz Yisroel and the entire world with complete sovereignty.

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