Peace Now Hangs Sign With PLO Flag Welcoming Biden

The far-left Peace Now organization on Monday hung a huge poster on a Tel Aviv building featuring Israeli and Palestinian flags welcoming US President Joe Biden to Israel.

“President Biden, welcome to the two states we love the most,” the sign states.

“The sign we hung is a reminder to the President, an ardent supporter of both states, that a Palestinian state is first and foremost our interest,” the Peace Now organization said in a statement. “Any time is a good time to do the right thing for the State of Israel. After Lapid spoke with Abbas the leaders of the region, the next obvious step is to open negotiations.”

Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have been frozen since 2014.

A Makor Rishon journalist responded to the report by stating: “Peace Now was established at the same time and as a counterforce to the settlement movement in Yehudah and Shomron. A few decades later, settlement is flourishing – with hundreds of settlements and hundreds of thousands of residents, while Peace Now has disintegrated into infantile troll-style activities like a Palestinian flag in honor of Biden in Tel Aviv. The embarrassment that answers to the name Peace Now is a mark of honor for Israelis.”

Social media activist Hananya Naftali wrote: “This shameful billboard was placed in Tel Aviv featuring the Palestinian flag…the left-wing in Israel is living in a dream that the Palestinian Authority, that pays terrorists and incites to murder Jews, will make peace with us. They don’t want peace with Israel, they want peace without Israel. The Palestinian flag symbolizes terror and death. What a disgust to see this.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. In 1939 there was looking for a solution to the problem
    In present day it is also the solution to the problem but there is no answer to it whether a one state or a two state it is over, this is what the hamas themselves are betting on
    So it is only talk and that is it

    The only answer is to have true Jewish faith in God not to say all nations pray for good and we are the same but to say we pray for the one and only good that’s completnies

  2. The Lubavitcher Rebbe said that instead of screaming “Peace now!” they would be better off demanding “Moshiach now!”

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