Israel: The Great Chilul Hashem in Former Gush Katif

gush1.jpgThere is not much one can say as Ariel Sharon lies in a comatose state for over two years, hanging between two worlds, unable to comment on the irreversible damage inflicted on the State of Israel, the former residents of Gush Katif, and the Jewish People as a whole.

Three years after the fact, we may look back and see that the so-called doomsday prophecies that preceded the expulsion from Gush Katif were not unwarranted overreactions by residents seeking to save their homes and communities, but they were unfortunately accurate predictions of what would occur if Israel capitulated to terrorism and handed over Gaza to Hamas, which has indeed become Hamastine.

The rocket attacks from Gaza have become reality, the lives of the former Gush Katif residents have been shattered, peace is a far cry from reality today, and Israel faces existential threats on her northern and southern borders. Hizbullah is three times better prepared for war with Israel than before the Second Lebanon War, and by all predications, warfare in Gaza will be difficult and costly after Hamas has been given three years to prepare, having laid mines and worked tenaciously for the great battle with IDF forces.

On that note, the daily Yediot Achronot, the nation’s largest daily newspaper, on Tuesday featured a large photo of the shul in Atzmona, now serving Hamas and the Islamic Jihad as a center for training in urban warfare, hand-to-hand combat and other military skills.

A video produced by Hamas was forwarded to the media, depicting hooded terrorists in the building which once served as a shul for the community’s families, now serving as a training camp to enable terrorists to perfect their skills, which they anxiously wait to use against Israeli soldiers chas v’sholom.

Israel originally decided to raze all the buildings throughout Gush Katif, but Shaul Mofaz and other cabinet ministers in 2005 decided it would be better to leave all public buildings standing, handing them over to the Hamas Authority in Gaza to serve the population.  They did not feel comfortable razing the shuls of Gush Katif. The decision included shuls, kindergartens, libraries, meeting halls and other buildings. Gush officials pleaded not to handover the shuls to the terrorist regime, but government officials ‘assured’ them that the residents of Gaza would respect the former houses of worship and their concern was unwarranted.

Today, we see yet another result of the government’s decision, the chilul Hashem, which according to many will lead to much bloodshed as a result of the major capitulation to terrorism accompanied by the destruction of Jewish communities in Eretz Yisrael.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. The Israeli governmnet is one big chillul HaShem. What is needed is for the arrival of Moshiach. Failing that, I would settle for seeing Shas, NRP, and UTJ parties decide that “eilu v’eilu divrei elokim chaim” and try to form into one, big religious voting bloc that would enable them to have frum prime minister.

  2. What exactly is the chilul Hashem? No drama please, just the facts.

    Comment by flatbusher — July 15, 2008 @ 10:55 am

    The Chillul Hashem is an anti-Hashem government in Eretz Yisroel.

  3. Most people still do not realize that Zionists did not, do not and will not operate with the interests of anything but Zionism in mind.

    This includes self-destruction (in every sense of the word), which is the original and overriding force behind Zionism, to be just like (or even more non-Jewish than) the non-Jews at whatever price may be necessary.

  4. HaKatan,
    The newer problem is that Zionism is just that…another “ism.” While it was enough for the old generation, the new secular generation is rejecting the Zionist ideal of the entire land for the Jewish people and not willing to sacrifice. Zionism without a firm root in Yiddishkeit is not an everlasting flame.

    Our entire claim to Eretz Yisroel is based onthe Torah and as secular as they were, the old-school secular, Zionist leaders, appreciated that. The new, modern, secular leaders not only don’t appreciate that idea, they actively reject it. Thus, their ties to the Land are base dsolely on politics which is fluid and can change depending on the political realities of the day and age.

  5. to # 3
    wow!! im quite shocked that a frum jew can ask such a question!?!?!!
    to put it in a few general words.

    a gov. of jews who do not govern al pi Torah & its mitzvos is a chillul hashem.

    also, when (some of) the spokesmen for the jewish
    people [- to the entire world!!-] are jews who do not abide hashem’s torah this a mega “world class” chilull hashem.

    simple, no?

  6. The חילול השם? Translate the words… A מקום קדוש now being used to train terrorists is a חילול השם not because of what people will say but because of how הקב”ה must feel……… this is a true חילול השם.

  7. You know, once the government decided on the expulsion of Gush Katif, the decisions they made thereafter were going to be the wrong ones, no matter what they chose.

    Look at this, for instance. Say they had bulldozed down the shuls and other buildings. The Arabs and U.N. and the Shalom Achshavniks would have been going berzerk screaming how the Israelis would rather destroy schools than let the “poor downtrodden Palestinians” have them. And imagine what images of Israelis bulldozing shuls would have done in religious communities. Being called Nazis Yemach Shomam would have been the NICEST reaction.

    It’s been no-win from the beginning, and will continue as such until something radical changes. We be zoche to see Moshiach speedily in our days.

  8. to Hakatan’s comment – kishmo, ken hu.

    funny how hakatan manages to ignore religious zionism, without whose sacrifices, both gashmi and msirus nefesh mamash, on the battlefield, on the educational front and yes, in creating, maintaining and filling yeshiva institutions with zionist bnei torah, he wouldn’t have an eretz yisroel to come visit for sholosh regalim or a summer trip and make derogatory comments about. is this the only time in Jewish history that Hashem put us through nisyonos ? where do you come off spouting such blind stubborn propaganda ?


  10. #11, let the Zionists keep their dirty money and not take taxes from us. We were there before them. The Yeshivos should follow the Brisk-Satmar-Toldos Ahron method of refusing Zionist government funds.

  11. #11:

    they dont donate to our community. They buy our votes, and unfortunately, we are cheap enough to be bought.

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