Chassidish Pilot Flies Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe To Switzerland

The Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe in Davos, Switzerland.

The Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe, who was hospitalized twice in recent months and is still weak, was flown via private plane to Davos, Switzerland, where he will continue his recovery.

The Rebbe, who prior to the pandemic used to go annually to Davos, was reluctant to go this year due to fear of experiencing breathing difficulties while on the plane.

However, after a gvir offered to pay for a private plane with accompanying medical assistance if needed, the Rebbe agreed to go. According to a B’Chadrei Chareidim report, a Chassidish pilot flew the plane.

The Rebbe will stay at the Cresta hotel in Davos until after Tisha B’Av and will then fly to the United States for the wedding of a grandchild.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. The Rebbe should have a Refuah Shlema.
    My neighbour just came back from there, also for health reasons, and he was very impressed by the Bochurim in the Yeshivah of Davos saying that they have excellent Middos.

  2. Being a Rebbe is great. You get to fly abroad on private jets and stay in luxury hotels like a king–while the chasidim live in dire poverty. Sad!

  3. Genius15, first of all, the chasidim are NOT living in dire poverty! Many of them have jobs and they’re happy. Secondly, have you seen the Rebbe’s homes? They’re certainly not lavish. Thirdly, his “lavish lifestyle” comes at a price: zero privacy. These Rebbes don’t eat at home privately on Shabbos! They’re up until 3am, they daven for 8 hours (as the chazan) on R”H and Y”K. Fourthly, growing up they certainly didn’t have lavishness, so this is their ROI.

  4. This is what happens when you help people — they want to help you, if they can. The Rebbe was going to stay home and not get the rest cure that would do him good, because it seemed that the strain of getting there would outweigh the benefit. יצא שכרו בהפסדו. But someone whom he had helped, and who loved him, was able to help and more than willing, so he volunteered out of the blue. Are you suggesting the Rebbe should have turned him down?!

  5. Are the hospitals and medical care in Davos better than those of EY? If not, why is he flying to Davos?

  6. Wow, it’s a good thing the pilot was Chassidish. Who knows what could have happened Ch”v if he was Litvish or Sephardi!
    But wait, to which Chassidus does he belong to? That could also be a life-or-death matter!

  7. “absentminded” Genious15, first worry about America’s waste expenses and about downgrading the president’s expenses than you can worry and be sad about this “major issue”!

  8. FOOL 15

  9. Fool 15,
    You are apparently not in Lakewood….
    When Rav… from the Mir came to Mr….childs bris he was privately flown on a jet from EY. (And the yungerleit in the Mir are not wealthy…) ridiculous comment. I guess you never learned gemaras that describe Raben Gamliel, Rav Yehudah Hanasi…

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