STING OPERATION: Palestinian Authority Officer Sells M-16 To Undercover Agent To Harm Jews

Israel Police

It was released for publication on Monday morning that an undercover agent recruited by the Tel Aviv District Police months ago carried out and documented dozens of criminal deals purchasing weapons, explosives, and drugs from influential figures in the criminal world nationwide.

The covert phase of the “Silver Bullet” Operation ended early Monday morning as hundreds of police officers carried out a wave of arrests throughout the country. Over 30 suspects were arrested, including influential criminals in Yafo, Lod, Ramla, Haifa Kfar Qassem, Kiryat Bialik, Kiryat Motzkin, Tel Sheva, Barta’a and Sajur.

The secret agent, an influential criminal experienced in the construction of explosive devices and the illegal arms trade, arranged the bogus deals with figures from various criminal organizations throughout the country – well-known to him from his many years in the criminal world and in prison.

In one deal, he purchased an M-16 assault rifle and pistols from an officer of the Palestinian Authority, who asked the agent to ensure that the weapons would be used to harm Jews.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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