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Dachau to Twin with Israeli City?

dachau.jpgIn what some perceive as a bizarre and perhaps unacceptable plan, the mayor of the Polish town of Dachau is working to ‘twin’ with an Israeli city in the hope of playing down the town’s infamous heritage dating back to the Nazi atrocities of WWII.

Mayor Peter Burgel believes his idea of linking the township of 42,000 with an Israeli municipality will enable him to shed the negative image – the association of Dachau with the death camp.

The mayor is tenacious in his efforts and towards achieving his goal. He recently visited Israel, including a visit to Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum and meetings with officials associated with organizations assisting Holocaust victims.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. to #1 so does Har HaMenuchos, Eretz haChaim, Sanhedria….I know someone that is a survivor of this camp, who wrote a book Prisoner 89012 (2 vol.)who was there as a teenager and today is B”H healthy. If he would hear about this, he would write a third volume!

  2. Maybe the Polish town of Dachau could twin with the Syrian town of Katzrin, or with the Egyptian town of Eilat, or the Jordanian Dead Sea resort Ein Gedi, or the Lebanese coastal city Nahariya.

    Be a bit more careful please…. anyone should know that Dachau is in Germany.

  3. Please, please, please, if their are any Israeli readers to this website; please don’t do this! It would be too humiliating!

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