EMUNAS CHACHAMIM: Shopping For A Wedding Without A Chassan?

The kallah at the home of HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen.

The story of a kallah from the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem with especially strong emunas chachamim who got married on Wednesday night has been the talk of Jerusalem residents.

This past winter, the kallah, who was 33 but hadn’t had any success in shidduchim, was encouraged by relatives to seek a bracha from HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen, the Nasi of the Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah.

She took their advice and went to HaRav Cohen’s home and asked for a bracha. The Gadol, who was immersed in his learning, complied with her request. But that wasn’t enough for her and she begged HaRav Cohen to decree that she get engaged.

The Rosh Yeshivah responded: “By Purim, b’ezrat Hashem, you’ll see a yeshuah.”

The girl left the house beaming and already the next day began shopping for her wedding and the apartment should would move into afterward with her new husband.

Her parents were shocked by her behavior, asking her if she really thought she should prepare for a wedding without a chassan even on the horizon. But she decisively responded: “HaTzaddik gazar. Zehu – by Purim. I need to prepare.”

Sure enough, shortly before Purim, she celebrated her engagement with great joy. Prior to her wedding on Wednesday, she again visited the home of HaRav Cohen and tearfully thanked him for his bracha.


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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Rama Burshtein is a frum movie director. Her film, The Wedding Plan, is exactly this story. It’s from a few years ago so it’s not based on this story, but maybe this story is based on The Wedding Plan? Maybe the 33 year old kallah from Ramot watched it before she put her own wedding plan in motion. Noa Koler is unforgettable as the actress who plays Michal, the kallah who plans the wedding without a chattan.

  2. While the kallah’s emunah is admirable, I can’t help thinking that the Gadol persuaded one of his bochurim to marry her.

  3. I heard a story about 2 women who wanted to have a child. They both went to get a brocho from a rebbe. One woman went and bought a baby carriage right away and was blessed wiht a baby that year. The other one remained childless. When the rebbe was asked how come only one had a baby, e answered it was because of her emunah. She went and bought a baby carriage! I suppose this story about the kallah happened because of her emunah.

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