Mauzya Segal to Oversee Rehab of Greater Sderot Victims

Mauzya Segal, one of the more well-know IDF rehabilitation stories, will now oversee rehabilitation efforts for Kassam rocket victims in the Greater Sderot Area in his new capacity as the head of social services for the Chof Ashkelon  (Ashkelon Coast) Regional Council.

Segal, 55, who has earned a masters degree in social work, was a combatant in the Paratroopers 890 Regiment, and he was seriously wounded in an operation in Syria in 1974. He lost both legs and the sight in one eye. A year earlier, he lost a number of good friends in a battle, while he struggled to render aid to them. Decades later, he wrote a book on the battle at The Chinese Farm (Oct. 15-16, 1973).

Regional council leader Yair Farjoun turned to him, asking him to accept the position, which has many responsibilities, including overseeing the care and rehabilitation efforts for rocket attack victims. Segal responded positively and entered his new post on Thursday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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