Dahaf Institute Poll – Kadima Elections

Dr. Mina Tzemach was commissioned by the Yediot Achronot daily to conduct a poll regarding the upcoming Kadima Party leadership race. Here are the results of the Dahaf Institute poll which included 508 respondents representing a cross-section of eligible Kadima voters. Margin of error is +/- 4.5%.

If elections for the party leadership were held today, for whom would you vote?

Livni 37% (up from 31% on June 26th)

Shaul Mofaz 22%

Ehud Olmert 18% (down from 22% on June 26th)

Avi Dichter 10%

Meir Sheetrit 9%.

Who will you vote for if Olmert is not in the race?

Livni 41%

Mofaz 30%

Avi Dichter 12%

Meir Sheetrit 12%

If Olmert succeeds in removing a considerable portion of the suspicions against him as a result of Talansky’s testimony, for whom will you vote?

Olmert 30%

Livni 29%

Mofaz 21%

Dichter 8%

Sheetrit 8%

Is it proper for Olmert to compete in the primary race?

57% no

38% yes

Should Olmert resign and make way for the new elected party leader?

79% yes

17% no

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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