Kuntar’s Envoy Will Not Pass Through Nahariya

Out of respect for the families of the victims of the 1979 terror attack, when arch terrorist Samir Kuntar is escorted from prison to the northern border, he will not pass through Nahariya, the city in which the fatal attack was perpetrated.

The army has accepted the request and as such, the convoy transporting Kuntar will take a more roundabout route to avoid entering Nahariya.

Smadar Haran has announced her support for the government’s decision to release the terrorist responsible for the deaths of her husband and 4-year-old daughter. President Peres is expected to sign his pardon on the eve of his release.

Roni Keren, the brother of Danny, stated his family plans to meet with the president and others, making one last attempt to persuade them not to go through with the release of Kuntar in exchange for the bodies of Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Evil Despicable eruv-rav!
    Freeing Jew killers for a bag of bones. For the best, send them back bones – those of olmert and his evil followers!

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