Barak: Israel Will Not Hesitate to Protect Herself

iaf2.jpgIn a message to the Iranians, Defense Minister Ehud Olmert stated that Israel would not hesitate to protect herself, adding, “Iran presents a challenge, not just to Israel but to the entire world.” Barak made his remarks during a Labor faction meeting in Tel Aviv.

“We do not operate in a vacuum,” he added, stating that we must also consider an Iranian response before undertaking any offensive, stressing we must act responsibly and weigh all the factors involved. Barak stated that since the Second Lebanon War, Hizbullah has rehabilitated itself and today, its arsenal is two-to-three times larger than it was during the war.

A sign of Israel’s strength he explained would be evident next week, at the aerial show in England, at which time Israel will display Israel Aerospace Industries latest, the Eitam, an aircraft that has advanced spy/intelligence gathering capabilities. Officials explain it is a converted corporate jet, and following the modifications, it is now considered among the most advanced in the world.

The Eitam is expected to be one of the main attractions at the show.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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