GOOD RIDDANCE: High-Ranking IRGC Official Shot Dead in Tehran

Colonel Hassan Sayad Khodayari, a colonel in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, was shot dead in Tehran by two men on motorcycles.

The assassination occurred in front of Khodayari’s home on Mohajedin Eslam Street in Tehran, with the assailants fleeing the scene without a trace after carrying out the killing.

Khodayari’s primary work for the IRGC was conducted in Syria, according to reports.

The IRGC said the assassination was a “criminal terrorist act of the counter-revolution and elements related to global arrogance” – a term they use to describe American and Israeli operations.

Shortly following the assassination, Iran claimed to have arrested a group of individuals who have been operating in Iran on behalf of Israel.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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