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Security Cabinet Discussing Hizbullah Threat

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Wednesday is meeting with his Security Cabinet to discuss the growing Hizbullah threat.

Intelligence and military community experts will brief cabinet ministers, who will hear that since the end of the Second Lebanon War, Hizbullah has been working to rehabilitate itself and today, the terror organization possesses three times the number of missiles than it did prior to the war.

The cabinet will address Hizbullah’s failure to implement UN Resolution 1701, calling on the terrorist organization to disarm.

In a meeting with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, Defense Minister Ehud Barak stated Israel cannot continue ignoring the growing Hizbullah threat, and the fact that resolution 1701 has gone ignored by Hizbullah.

During a tour of the north on Tuesday with Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni discussed Israel’s concerns regarding Hizbullah, stating the current situation may not be permitted to continue.

The two senior ministers are calling on the European community to apply pressure towards compelling Hizbullah to disarm.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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