NEIS IN TEKOA: 4 Armed Terrorists Try Entering Yishuv, 1 Neutralized, 3 Flee

At the same time as a terrorist carried out a stabbing attack in Jerusalem on Sunday night, a neis occurred in Tekoa in Gush Etzion, when four armed terrorists tried infiltrating the yishuv to carry out a mass attack.

The terrorists began climbing over the fence of the home of one of the yishuv’s on-call security officials. While they were still straddling the fence, the man’s son happened to go out to the yard and spotted them. He ran in and told his father who ran out to the yard, armed with a gun.

He ordered the “men” to identify themselves and when they ignored his instructions, he shot at them, neutralizing one of the terrorists. The other three terrorists fled in the direction of the village they came from.

The IDF has launched a search to arrest the three terrorists and are searching for possible additional terrorists.

Yishuv officials ordered residents to barricade themselves in their homes and wait for further instructions.

The Palestinian Authority Health Ministry identified the terrorist as 17-year-old Muatasem Mohammad Taleb Atallah.


The knife found on the neutralized terrorist.

This is a developing story.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses


    “30,000 Gazan enter daily israel through holes” and gaps looking for work. Whoever hires these animals must be jailed.
    But again IT LOOKS LIKE we are dealing with Gang of MAFIA WHO PAY GOVERNMENT FOR PEOTECTION AND OFFICALS HAVE NO READON TO STOP THEIR PARNASSA because no one ever gets punished for hiring these blood thirsty animals.
    What is this invalid government is thinking?

  2. It’s time for Israel to implement China’s AI technology in bringing terrorism to zero, and weed out the 10% of potential terrorists and send them to reeducation camps. In the event a terrorist does committ a heinous act then there is a need for collective punishment which will bring terrorism from that particular village to a sudden halt.

  3. @Reiven – nobody in the recent attacks came from Gaza, they came from the norther Shomron. The reality is that as many frum mosdos are employing illegals as anyone else. The attackers in Elad (at least one of them) had previously been working on a shul in the neighborhood – that’s how they knew their way around. This isn’t the mafia, it’s the reality of illegal labor.

    Also, Tekoa is not on the Israeli side of the security barrier. It’s a yishuv, so tightening controls at the border fences wouldn’t have helped.

  4. Which halachic authority ruled that this was a neis?

    The article indicates that the kid saw the terrorists and told his father, who ran out with a gun and shot at the terrorists who then ran away. None of that is miraculous.

    This was hashgacha pratis, not a neis.

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