Kever Binyamin Set On Fire Over Shabbos

Kever Binyamin Ben Yaakov was set on fire over Shabbos.

Kever Binyamin was set on fire and vandalized on Shabbos, Israel Police stated on Motzei Shabbos.

The kever, which is thought to be the burial place of Binyamin ben Yaakov, is located between the central city of Kfar Saba and the Arab town of Qalquilya.

The police said that they launched an investigation into the incident but the story received little attention from the press, partially due to the focus on the ongoing manhunt for the Elad terrorists.

A group of Breslover chassidim traveled to the site overnight Motzei Shabbos and worked for hours to clean and repair the site.

A month ago, about 100 Arabs destroyed the site of Kever Yosef HaTzaddik in Shechem.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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