WATCH: Bereaved Relatives Heckle Bennett, Won’t Allow Him To Speak

Prime Minister Bennett attempting to speak at Her Herzl on Yom HaZikaron as he is accosted by hecklers.

Bereaved relatives heckled Prime Minister Naftali Bennett when he was called to the podium to speak during the national Yom HaZikaron memorial ceremony on Har Herzl on Wednesday.

The relatives called out: “You should be ashamed! You’re a con man. Get out of here. Shut your mouth. You established a government with the greatest of our enemies, we don’t want you,” and other similar comments.

The heckling continued for at least five minutes, during which Bennett continued to stand there and listen. He responded by saying: “The bereaved families are sacred. They’re allowed to scream and express their pain. Beloved families, I love you greatly. I hear your pain.”

Earlier on Wednesday Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked was also heckled and responded similarly.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. כל-הכבוד to these Bereaved Families.

    bennett is nothing more than an evil בושה וחרפה to honorable Israelis and authentic observant Jewry

  2. I can’t smile more! This man has but 6 mandates of the 120 in the knesset. He does not represent the country. If he was embarrassed, that’s the way it should be. He is an embarrassment indeed. He brought this all upon himself in order that he could be the prime minister. Hey, that’s the price you pay!

  3. the man makes deals with haters of Torah and terrorists INSIDE the knesset, the ultimate Trojan Horse, the families are tzadikim.

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