The Medical Security for the Hilula in Kerestir Has Begun

Bodrogkeresztúr – Medical teams from United Hatzalah of Israel together with members of Hatzalah of Bodrogkeresztúr from the United States are providing medical care and ensuring the well-being of the worshipers at the Yartzheit of Reb Shayale of Kerestir (son of R. Moshe) that began this evening in the town of Bodrogkeresztúr in Hungary.

Thus far, approximately ten people were treated for minor injuries that included, contusions, burns, and minor injuries to the limbs. In one instance, a local biker injured himself while riding his electric bicycle near the gravesite and United Hatzalah volunteers rushed to his aid providing him with emergency medical care until a local ambulance could arrive and transport him to a hospital. The security operation will continue until the coming Saturday after the hymn

CEO of United Hatzalah Eli Pollack said, “On this occasion of the Yartzeit of Reb Shayale, we are providing medical coverage and safeguarding those who head there to celebrate the occasion. A special delegation from United Hatzalah left Israel earlier in the week carrying with them all essential medical and resuscitation devices and equipment in order to allow them to provide a quick response to any medical emergency that arises.”

Lazar Hyman, Vice President of United Hatzalah and a member of the delegation, added: “Dozens of volunteers from Israel together with members of Hatzalah of Bodrogkeresztúr from the United States are here providing coverage and care for the worshippers. We have set up a mobile command center near the gravesite and established a medical clinic staffed by members of United Hatzalah together with a local ambulance that was hired for the event. The first responders will be working in shifts to ensure that coverage is provided around the clock and that a quick and immediate medical response will be provided as needed.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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