Meron: Complexes Being Built For Chalakos, Dancing, & Chai Rotel

The two new complexes being built at Meron; Little boy at Meron. (Photo: Flickr/Rabbi Lazer Brody)

Construction of two huge complexes at the bottom of Har Meron is underway to allow the traditional Lag B’Omer minhagim to take place, including chalakos (upsherin), dancing and the distribution of ח”י רוטל.

The construction is being carried out in coordination with Meron project manager Tzviki Tessler and with the approval of engineers and safety consultants.

According to a Kikar H’Shabbat report, the person behind the initiative is the askan Reb Yaakov Chaim Miller, who has been active for years in carrying out various wide-scale initiatives at Meron. The complexes are being built under the auspices of an organization he established for that purpose called Heiliger Rebbe Shimon.

Reb Miller told Kikar: “Every Jew who is interested in Chassidish hissorerus before or after davening at the tzion in accordance with the mesorah of yartzheit seudos – with comfortable services and mehadrin food – will have the opportunity to visit the new complexes which will undoubtedly provide a solution for the hundreds of visitors to Meron.”

Reb Miller added that the complexes are not solely for Chassidic groups or specific kehillos but for anyone in Klal Yisrael who wishes to participate in the traditional minhagim associated with Meron on Lag B’Omer.

As YWN reported last week, no food distribution will be allowed at the site itself on Lag B’omer.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Good. This is how it should have been for years. I still wonder, though, why not have staggered hadlokos, e.g. every 1.5 or 2 hours, so that everyone can witness one even if their time slot to visit the tziyun is late at night.

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