Iranian Paper On Yom HaShoah: “Hitler Was A Smart Man Who Got Rid Of The Jews”

The Kayhan newspaper of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei published an article on Thursday, Yom HaShoah, calling Hitler a “smart man who got rid of the Jews,” ” Makor Rishon reported on Thursday.

The author of the article, Muhammad Hadi Shahari, calls the Jews “mice and bacteria” and “the most cunning, deceitful and harmful creatures in the human race.”

However, he tried to make a distinction between the Jews living in Iran and “Zionist” Jews. “There’s no doubt that the Jews, especially in Iran, haven’t adopted the extremist thinking of the Zionists just as Wahhabism and Baha’iism should never be considered Sunnis or Shiites,” he wrote.

“We must not forget the extraordinary ability of Zionist thought, nurtured over time by Satan. We now live in a time in history when these dangerous thoughts found each other and became allies in the face of their common enemy, which is the Islamic Republic representing freedom and liberty.”

The author of the article claimed that the Zionist regime desires to conquer the world: “It has gathered its people from the Soviet Union and Europe. It has plundered the land of the Arabs, Christians, and Muslims in Palestine. And since the period of Moshe Dayan and the Six-Day War – Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon. They want to conquer Iraq, Iran, Africa, and South America through the money that the US and some large European countries transfer to them to keep Islamic Sharia law away and leave it in the lap of Islam.”

“Hitler acted logically and when he expelled them from Germany proved to be wiser and braver than all the current European leaders. Hitler was ousted, and European countries were forced to support the myth of the Holocaust to justify their cowardice and humiliation.”

The author concluded the article by noting that the end of the current reality is imminent because in the face of Saudi and US weakness, there is Iranian unity and the joining of hands of the Shiites, Sunnis, and Arab Christians against the Zionists. “The Palestinians are no longer throwing stones but missiles at the Zionists. The Syrians formed a government that learned the Iranian game and the Lebanese mock the Iron Dome. The Iranians are waiting for the day when we will enter Jerusalem even without war. ”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Without a war, I don’t know.
    But yes, we will conquer Jerusalem one day from the zionists and all others who wish to stop us.

  2. He happens to be right about:
    “We must not forget the extraordinary ability of Zionist thought, nurtured over time by Satan…”

  3. And those in the US government who are falling all over themselves to try and make a piece agreement with Iran, sending them billions of dollars, are thinking along these lines as well – even if not to the same extreme. אין לנו על מי להשען אלא על אבינו שבשמים

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