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President Peres Calls on Israel & Syria to Enter into Direct Talks

President Shimon Peres on Tuesday issued a call to Israeli leaders and Syrian leaders to meet face-to-face, stating we needn’t be embarrassed or hide from one-another, seeking to advance peace negotiations between the two countries.

Interestingly, Mr. Peres recently stated he does not see a lasting peace with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), explaining he does not have a mandate and enough political strength to reach an agreement that he can enforce.

It appears that the president does however see talking with Syria as a real option. Mr. Peres’ statements come following an interview over the weekend by Syrian leader al-Assad, who told a French online news station that he does not see direct talks taking place with Israel until the Bush administration is replaced in the USA. This stated the Syrian leader is the earlier possibility for direct talks, explaining the sponsor of peace talks plays a vital role and in Syria’s opinion, Bush is not the man for the job.

Assad has also stated repeatedly that Israel’s willingness to commit to an unconditional total withdrawal from the Golan Heights is a precondition to talks.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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