Israel: Reports Of Suspected Salmonella Cases Following Strauss Recall

A number of Unilever ice cream products which contain Elite chocolate products were added to the recall. (Photos: Health Ministry)

Following the announcement on Monday of a massive recall of Elite chocolate products after salmonella was discovered in the factory’s production line, there were a number of reports on Tuesday of cases of suspected salmonella poisoning.

A Jerusalem woman was treated on Tuesday for possible salmonella poisoning and was released home after being treated with antibiotics and fluids. The woman said that she ate a large amount of chocolate on Monday morning [before hearing about the recall] and began developing symptoms overnight.

Earlier on Tuesday, news reports said that two children were treated at Assuta Medical Center in Ashdod for suspected salmonella and a Bnei Brak man was treated at an urgent care clinic in Bnei Brak after he developed symptoms – also after eating chocolate products.

Additionally, Kan News reported that three members of the same family who were hospitalized at the end of last week at Hadassah Har HaTzofim Hospital after eating large amounts of chocolate were suffering from salmonella poisoning. They have already recovered and were released home.

A number of Unilever ice cream products that contain Elite chocolate products were added to the recall on Tuesday out of an abundance of caution.

The recall is believed to be the largest to ever take place in Israel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Of course after a recall there will be a spate of suspected poisoning cases. That will be the case even if there’s nothing at all wrong with the recalled product. The recall itself causes people to feel sick. I’ll bet some of these patients didn’t even eat the affected products; they ate some other kind of Elite chocolate, heard about the recall, and immediately felt sick.

    What’s not reported, but is really the only relevant news, is how many people tested positive for the bacteria found in the factory, after eating the recalled products.

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