THREATS MOUNT: Iran Warns Against “Slightest Move” by Israel Against It

(AP Photo/Florian Schroetter, FILE)

Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi said that his country will target “the heart” of Israel if the Jewish state makes “the slightest move” against it.

‘If you make the slightest move against our nation… our armed forces’ destination will be the heart of the Zionist regime,” Raisi said.

Raisi’s comments come as talks over President Biden’s attempts to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal with the ayatollah-led country remains stalled. Israel has been openly opposed to the deal and has vowed to do whatever it feels is necessary to protect itself from Iran – whether the U.S. likes it or not.

Raisi also made his threat after more than 150 Palestinians were injured during clashes they started at the Har HaBayis on Friday, with the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – which Biden has considered removing its designation as a terrorist organization – saying that the clash was “carried out by the Zionist regime’s military and security forces by deploying military equipment and brutally attacking defenseless Palestinian worshipers.”

The IRGC said it would also increase support for Palestinians fighting against Israel and accused the Jewish state of “aggressive actions and new crimes.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Is there a “hiddush” here? They always talk like that. Assuming the Zionists are not fools (I’ve called them heretics, but never incompetent fools), the Israelis would wipe out Iran if the Iranians ever tried to be more than an annoyance.

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