TRAGEDY IN ASHKELON: Jewish Man Tries To Grab IDF Soldier’s Weapon, Is Shot To Death [VIDEO]

An Jewish man was tragically shot to death in Ashkelon after he attempted to grab a soldier’s weapon.

Nearby police officers opened fire at the man thinking he was a terrorist. He was tragically killed.

It appears the man may have been mentally not well.

A large number of police forces were called to the scene.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. what a tragedy ..unfortunate with so many officers getting hit they don’t take chances and this time it nebech was a mentally disturbed person…Burech Dyen Emes and may his Neshuma go straight to Gan Eden…

  2. After Eight: Given the current situation, there is no time to inquire as to whether a potential terrorist is a Yid or has mental health issues. This was a tragic but proper response.

  3. what’s the difference if he was a jew or arab?
    if he deserved to be shot because he grabbed a gun and may have been a terrorist – then what’s the difference?
    and if he didnt deserve to die like the arab women killed today as well, then, still, what’s the difference?

    And a secular jew is dino kgoy lchol davar anyway (chullin 5a),
    The racism and hypocrism is glaring

  4. Wow. Just wow. So the fact that he was a Jew and not an Arab determines his innocence or guilt? Why don’t you speculate about Arabs who were shot being mentally ill?? Why don’t you carry the story about the innocent Arab woman who was shot yesterday because she was hard of hearing??

  5. @Chaylev Halyah: uh… no.

    if the person is a jew even if he is mentally disturbed we must try everything we can to prevent him from being killed. because of countless and constant islamic terror attacks against the Yidden of EY in recent weeks this case unfortunately transpired the way it did and yes it was a tragic circumstance.

    for the arabs we must assume that by default they hate all jews with a passion and would rather have every jew dead not just in Israel but all around the world; so for them we must shoot first & ask questions later.

    the muslim woman that refused to follow orders while approaching closer and closer to the IDF did deserve to die regardless if she had a weapon on her or not, as do the vast majority of muslims living in eretz yisrael.

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