Shocking Videos: Arabs Desecrate, Set Fire To Kever Yosef HaTzaddik In Shechem

Wanton destruction by Arabs at Kever Yosef HaTzaddik in Shechem. (Photos: Shomron Regional Council)

About 100 Palestinian Arabs rioted at the site of Kever Yosef HaTzaddik in Shechem overnight Motzei Shabbos, smashing the matzeivah and other parts of the site, including the chandelier above the kever, the electrical closet, and a water tank, and setting multiple fires.

This is the second time that Arabs destroyed the site. In 2015, Arabs set the site on fire, causing extensive damage. The Shomron Regional Council subsequently restored the site.

“This is an act that no Jew can fail to be shocked by, the destruction of one of the holy places for the Jewish people just before Pesach,” said Yossi Dagan, the head of the Shomron Regional Council. “This is happening only because the State of Israel has abandoned one of the Jewish nation’s holy places to the ‘security’ of the Palestinian Authority…once again the barbarians from the Palestinian Authority show their true face: ISIS.”

The wanton destruction of a Jewish holy site comes amid Israel’s eased concessions for Palestinians during their ‘holy’ month of Ramadan, with Defense Minister Benny Gantz continuing the policy even after numerous terror attacks left 14 Israelis dead in a matter of weeks.

Gantz quickly condemned the incident – in words if not in action – stating on Sunday morning: “The incident of the destruction of Kever Yosef is extremely serious. This is a serious violation of the freedom of worship in one of the holiest places for every Jew, and the feelings of the entire Jewish people, precisely amid the holy holiday for Muslims.”

“Israel will repair the compound, quickly restore it to its original condition, and take all measures to prevent such an incident from reoccurring. At the same time, I sent a sharp message to the Palestinian Authority, which must immediately increase its forces in the area immediately and act against the rioters and terrorists who harm stability, security and the holy places.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. The yam split because of the atzmos yosef shtel Zich fohr what may happen to these pcs of garbage for their desecration

  2. of Course for the gouverment it is more important to have chametz in the hospitals and the woman with a sefer tora at the kotel

  3. I’m wondering what would’ve happened to those desecrators if a well-known American rabbi who briefly entered Israeli politics only to then be banned for life would have been Prime Minister ?

    It’s an unfair question. They most likely would’ve been 1000 miles away in Tunisia eating Baba Ghannouj playing backgammon and killing each other for all sorts of reasons.

  4. “This is the second time that Arabs destroyed the site. In 2015, Arabs set the site on fire, causing extensive damage.”

    Actually this is the third time in recent history. In 2000 the Arab animals looted and destroyed the site. Why anyone ever thought that giving control of any part of Israel, let alone the religious sites, to these terrorists was a good idea is beyond my comprehension. The time to take back control has passed.

  5. Hymish, if R Kahane HYD had his way they’d be sitting in Amman. He proposed that Israel throw the Hashemites out of Jordan and give it to Arafat in return for him renouncing all claims west of the river.

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