MK Porush Blames Bayit Yehudi for Passing of To’eva Bill

porThe bill to grant tax incentives to to’eva couples, sponsored by Yesh Atid, passed its preliminary reading in Knesset on Wednesday 22 Teves as expected. The bill is sponsored by MK Dr. Adi Koll and it was passed after it was reworded to obtain Bayit Yehudi’s support, critical towards passing the bill. The bill passed in a 40-22 vote.

In response, MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Meir Porush accuses Bayit Yehudi of being מכשיר את השרץ, legitimizing that which is unholy.

Bayit Yehudi agreed to support the bill after all reference to to’eva couples was removed. In its place, the bill stipulates the finance minister can decide to apply the law as he sees fit. There is no doubt that Yesh Atid leader Finance Minister Yair Lapid will apply it to to’eva couples, the original intention of the bill.

Porush points a finger of blame at the dati leumi party “which after 65 years lends a hand to passing many laws that are destroying Yiddishkheit”.

It was a stormy Knesset session as Lapid told chareidim “we live in a society and of entitlement and responsibility and those who contribute to society will receive”.

For Porush and other chareidi lawmakers, their anger is directed at the dati leumi party, for its decision to support the bill was instrumental.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. You allie yourselves with Al-Qaida, the grand inquisitors and the Taliban when you condemn homosexuals as abominations. You make yourselves abominable by your condemnations. All fundamentalists are the same. intolerant and ultimately power hungry.

  2. “It was a stormy Knesset session as Lapid told chareidim “we live in a society and of entitlement and responsibility and those who contribute to society will receive”.”

    Lapid is 100% percent right! the mishna in pirkei avos says “al shlosha dvarim haOlam omeid…” none of which he contributes to.

  3. Oey lirasha oey Lishcheyna! That’s what happens when Bayit Yehudi teams up with Ain Atid! Way to go Dovy! Did they teach you that in Ner Yisroel?

  4. SamuelKent

    We condemn the sin, but love the sinner and hope he will change his ways. To compare us to the Taliban, et al –??? No comparison. To defame us as power-hungry etc is to shiw the same hatred that you allegedly condemn.

  5. Bayit Yehudi is in a pickle jar, tightly squeezed by the LAPIDs of today. They have to get out quickly or be devoured by Yesh Atid’s lack of future.

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