Police To Compensate Yeshivah Bochurim NIS 25,000

Illustrative. Separate beach.

Israel Police will compensate three yeshivah bochurim for carrying out an humiliating search on them on the day of the pride parade in Tel Aviv last year.

The incident happened almost a year ago when the three bochurim were on their way from their yeshivah in Bnei Brak to the separate Sheraton beach in Tel Aviv. The pride parade was taking place that day in Tel Aviv and apparently the police officers thought that that was a good enough reason to detain the bochurim for no discernible reason and carry out a humiliating search, including asking them to remove their clothing. No one else in the area was stopped beside the bochurim.

The first bochur they stopped for alleged “disturbance of public order” showed the officers that he had a watermelon with him, proving his destination was the beach and not the parade. However, the policeman still insisted on carrying out the search, saying that he didn’t have his bathing suit with him, ignoring his explanation that his friend was bringing it. When his two friends showed up – with bathing suits – the police nevertheless insisted on carrying out the same searches on them.

Additionally, the police had metal detector tools to search the bochurim for knives or other sharp objects but forced them to undress instead of using them. Finally, after the police found no evidence that the bochurim intended to disturb the public order, they were released but were ordered to walk to the beach in an indirect way, which took them an additional 40 minutes in the hot sun.

The bochurim later filed a lawsuit against the police through the Honenu legal aid organization and the police recently informed their lawyer that they are willing to pay compensation in a settlement agreement.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. The Zionist paradise continues to display its manic hatred of real Jews, presumably because they are a reminder to the Zionists of the bald lie of Zionism.

    Unlike the Zionist Big Lie, Judaism is based on the Torah, not on a land, and Jews are a people based on the Torah, not a godless gentile nation based on land.

  2. Unless the respective police officers get jailed or sacked they don’t care what the police pays, it’s not their money.

  3. Stop saying Zionist you pig. It was a few bad apples in the police force sf they should have been persecuted. HAKATAN what an appropriate name for a small minded person.

  4. I had the same story in 2012 we where a group of bochurim walking in Jerusalem not knowingly near the parade , when cops came pounding on us very aggressively, after a search they insisted on walking with us till our destination, we felt like criminals till we started shmuzing (yaya….) and then these same cops told us how bad they feel to have to protect such a terrible terrible chillul hashem explaining that Israel is a democracy and its very painfull even for them i saw it was sincere .

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