Gazan Residents Filing Suit Against Gush Katif Farmers

gush.jpgIf it were not so sad and absurd, one might even think of laughing but residents of Hamas-controlled Gaza are now taking legal action against former Gush Katif farmers, seeking compensatory damages for wrongful dismissal.

According to one Gush Katif refugee, Yossi Schwartz, 45, he was served with papers seeking over NIS 500,000 in compensatory damage from former workers in Gaza, claiming they were unjustifiably dismissed and did not receive fair compensation.

For Schwartz, who has not been working since the Sharon administration expelled him from his home, it is no laughing matter. He has been slowly eating away at his compensatory funds, stating that this lawsuit could be the final nail in the coffin for him and his family.

gush 2.jpgOther former Gush farmers concur, and they are calling on the Sela Disengagement Agency of the government to step in an assist.

In true form, the Sela administration has released a statement that it does not make a habit of becoming involved in disputes between employers and their employees and as such, they will not move here either. In addition, Sela officials stated the Gush Katif residents were fairly compensated, including funds to pay out former employees.

gush 3.jpgOver 50% of the former Gush Katif farmers, who produced an impressive annual crop as well as significantly contributing to the gross national product, are unemployed since being uprooted from their homes and communities.

Schwartz explains the lawsuit can easily climb to NIS 1 million, adding he just does not have funds. For now, it is difficult enough for him and his family, realizing they must pay for legal fees to combat the suit.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. This is a disgrace! I think everyone should bombard the Olmert government with calls, faxes and email messages demanding that the government step in and fight these scurrilous suits in behalf of the former residents of Gaza. These poor people have been given enough צרות by the government to now start paying legal expenses to respond to these רשעים.

  2. Well let’s level the playing field then. Sderot residents and those that have suffered physically, financially and emotionally from the daily missile barrages should be able to sue the Hamas YMS Govt and for that matter all the residents of Gaza for aiding and abetting, in their situation. It takes two to tango, but then who would want a partner like that!!

  3. Moshe and Berel decided to make a “Medina” – what did you expect. A bunch of idiotic self-centered stupid nincompoops. Guaranteed that those idiots in the “Supreme Court” will buy the Arab arguments.
    With friends like that, who needs enemies.
    Rachmono litzlan

  4. What’s even worse. they handed over the farms and the greenhouses and the Arabs… ripped them apart for scrap material, thus killing a multi million dollar industry that had been handed to them on a silver platter. The courts that accepted the suits continue the assault on sensibilities inheritied from the Bolsheviks, launched by Sharon, continued by Olmert. Remember that the next time you think about walking down broadway in the mext to salute to israel or solidarity day parade.

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