WATCH: PM Bennett Says Israel At Start Of ‘Challenging Period’

“Citizens of Israel, these are difficult days.

Every few years the State of Israel deals with a wave of terrorism.

After a period of quiet, there is a violent eruption by those who want to destroy us, those who want to hurt us at any price, whose hatred of Jews, of the State of Israel, drives them crazy. They are prepared to die – so that we will not live in peace.

We are currently dealing with a new wave of terrorism.

What we witnessed less than a year ago in Operation Guardians of the Walls, the terrorism and the violence, from within Israel and inside Israel, was the first sign.

This is a great and complex challenge for the IDF, the ISA and the Israel Police that requires the security establishment to be creative and for us to adapt ourselves to the new threat and read the tell-tale signs of lone individuals, sometimes without organizational affiliation, and to be in control on the ground in order to thwart terrorism even before it happens.

The security forces of the State of Israel are the best in the world. They are up to the task and, as in the previous waves, we will prevail this time as well.

Citizens of Israel, I ask, together with you, to share in the immense pain of the families and wish the wounded a quick recovery. We are all responsible for each other. We must all be responsible and alert.

I stand by the civilians and police officers who shot the terrorists in the various locations. I have spoken with some of them and thanked them on behalf of all of us. These are heroes of Israel who, thanks to their courage, have saved lives.

We face a challenging period. We have experience in dealing with terrorism, from the very beginning of Zionism. They did not break us then and they will not break us now.

The secret of our existence is the mutual responsibility among us and our determination to maintain the home that we have built – at any price.

Citizens of Israel, we will prevail this time as well.”

14 Responses

  1. I read the entire speech in this article from Yeshiva World. He did not mention even one time the name of Hashem, G-d or Almighty–simply nothing.
    כוחי ועוצם ידי

  2. I hope that all the arabs die!! and i hope that people that support the arabs such as bennet, lapid, leiberman, saar, shaked, and all in their partys die with!!

  3. Since this site is based in the United States, the headline should read “Israeli PM Bennett”, not “PM Bennett”. Similarly, a headline involving French President Macron would also be titled “French President Macron”, not “President Macron”.

  4. “The secret of our existence is the mutual responsibility among us and our determination to maintain the home that we have built – at any price.”

    He is, of course, referring to the Zionist paradise, not to Judaism. He is also clearly stating a small part of the idolatry of Zionism: “the determination to maintain the [State of Israel] – at any price”.

    Almost nothing in Judaism is permitted “at any price”. But in the Zionist idolatry, Zionism (including its State) has always been above all else.

    And this was stated by a guy with some sort of kippah on his head, not your garden-variety heretic.

  5. The real problem is 3 fold:

    The Israeli supreme court is lefty liberal and light on terror and gives light sentences instead of the death penalty. However it hates the settlers.

    The Israeli governments stink. They are soft on terror and try to please the US and EU who hate us anyway. But they are tough on the settlers.

    The Israeli security forces stink. Instead of finding out what is going on in the Arab terror circles and killing them before they act, they are trying to sabotage the settlers.

    Those 3 above mentioned are Israel’s single biggest problem

  6. @mobico: Bennett’s dime-sized yarmulkah means nothing. He is a “religious” fraud, G-d only appears when it suits him.

    We must be vigilant and aware of the people we have working in our homes and stores. But I believe there’s more we can do: stop ALL Arabs with work permits from entering Israel from the PA at least until after Ramadan. Round up all suspects on Shin Bet’s watch list. Clamp down on J-Street & other antisemitic organizations & individuals who encourage these attacks through their writing & funding.

    Instead of worrying about the rest of the world’s opinion on our security tactics, we need to do what we have to do in order to be safe. May G-d avenge the blood of all the victims.

  7. “Citizens of Israel, these are difficult days….” Yes, unfortunately very much so. But not only from our Arab enemies, but also from our enemies in the so called government of shame, danger and destruction of Torah and Judaism headed by Rosho Bennet!

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