US Politicians, Including Republicans, Furious About Israel’s Position On Ukraine War

Sen. Lindsey Graham. (AP Photo: Jacquelyn Martin); House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy. (AP Photo); Sen. Ted Cruz. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)

Senior Israeli officials have been engaged in strenuous efforts in the past two weeks to prevent a severe crisis with the United States in the wake of harsh criticism by many senior US officials on Israel’s stance on the war in Ukraine.

According to a Yisrael Hayom report on Sunday, some of the harsh criticism of Israel is coming – for the first time – from its most ardent supporters in the Republican Party, including Senator Lindsay Graham, a longtime supporter of Israel and the only one who has publicly criticized Jerusalem’s almost neutral stance on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Other politicians have expressed strong objections in closed talks to Israel’s approach – its refusal to join the sanctions on Russia and what they consider its conciliatory approach to Russian “aggression,” including Senator Ted Cruz, one of Israel’s greatest supporters on Capitol Hill, and Republican minority leader Kevin McArthy. The criticism of Israel was expressed in closed conversations between senators and Congress members and advisers as well as with pro-Israel figures on Capitol Hill.

In efforts to mollify the situation and prevent the criticism from being voiced publicly, a number of talks were held last week between Israeli officials and senior members of Congress.

Israeli officials explained the considerations that led Israel to adopt a lukewarm position toward Russia in comparison to other Western countries, stressing the importance of Israel’s freedom of action in Syria, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s attempts to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, and the fact that Israel has no laws governing sanctions.

A senior adviser on Capitol Hill told Yisrael Hayom that the Israeli explanations were effective – leading to a deeper understanding of Israel’s policy and preventing public condemnation of Israel. However, he added that there are still significant gaps between the way the war is perceived in the US versus the way it is perceived in Israel.

A pro-Israel congressional adviser told Yisrael Hayom that in the United States “the feeling is that a third world war has broken out, that the worst has happened, and that Putin is considered almost a Nazi.”

“This is the prevalent view in the US on both sides of the political divide,” he said. “In such an unprecedented emergency situation, both parties expected Israel, as well as other US allies, to take an unequivocal stance towards Russia. Those senior officials don’t understand how it is possible that Israel is not unequivocally adopting the Western policy, including participating in sanctions.”

Another US source said that Israel’s position is now understood by Congress members and therefore there has been no public criticism of Israel. Nevertheless, he added that “although they understand, they don’t understand – their gut feeling is still one of unease at Israel’s approach at such a dramatic moment in history.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. And they are right. The Russians have no love for Isreal which the Americans do. The minute the political wind changes and it is convenient for them to do so the Russians will turn against Israel with vengeance. Ukraine was built up during the Soviet era but look how the Russians, led by Adolf Putin, are destroying the people and the country without the slightest hesitation. The Ukrainians are, according to Adolf’s worldview, part of the Russian [Soviet] circle. Hasn’t helped them in the slightest. The Jews, i.e. Israel, are useful at the moment to cushion Western sanctions and to provide a certain ethical shoulder for Adolf. After all, if the Jews, [Israel], who they claim suffered so much under Adolf the First, don’t stand by Ukraine, we Russians cannot be so bad.

  2. This needs to be sent to the US politicians:

    Dear Vlodomor Zelenskyy,

    So let’s clear a few things up…

    You’re the underdog here and Israel usually aligns itself with the underdog because the truth is that in every war we’ve fought, we were the underdog because we were out-numbered, isolated, and countries like yours chose to align themselves with our enemies. In your case, more than 35 times in recent years.

    Let’s be clear, Israel doesn’t owe Ukraine ANYTHING.

    It is our choice to send what aid we feel is appropriate, and we have. Vast amounts of humanitarian aid, medical assistance, bullet proof ambulances and more. You’re welcome.

    Your comparison of the Holocaust to today’s fight is abhorrent and historically inaccurate. The Jews didn’t have an army, anti-aircraft missiles, 100,000 rifles to distribute to our people and no military training.

    No one sent aid and rescue missions and let’s not even begin to describe how the majority of the Ukrainians treated our people.

    You feel that we owe you because you are Jewish…your parents are Jewish.

    I guess we won’t mention that your children are not only not-Jewish, but have, with your permission, been baptized.

    So let’s do this. You stop complaining that Israel isn’t doing enough, start saying thank you and next time a vote comes up in the UN, remember how many Arab countries stood by, while Israel acted.

    And if you want Israel to CONTINUE to support Ukraine, don’t you dare compare your situation, where tragically over 900 have died, to the massacre of more than six million Jews in World War II, to the victims who lie in mass graves, like Babi Yar.

    We’ll help…not because you are a Jew, but because WE are Jews

  3. Israel has a problem. There are large Jewish communities in both Russia and Ukraine. They have never had that problem before.

  4. Israeli public relations for the past 40 years has been miserable and continues to be so.
    The last Israeli Prime minister that knew how to talk to the USA was Menachem Begin. The best spokesmen were Abba Eban (hated his politics, but he could speak!) and Golda Meir.
    One major error that all Israelis make is the idea that facts speak; they don’t. It’s all in the presentation.

  5. Are they critical of Israel sending a medical field hospital as well?
    And don’t forget the senior republicans including the former president who support putin.

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