OUTRAGOUS! Israel Police Refuse To Return Gun To Man Who Shot Terrorist [SEE THE VIDEO]

After two Israeli citizens saved lives on Tuesday by shooting and neutralizing the terrorist who killed four people and seriously wounded two others in Be’er Sheva, they were brought to the police station for questioning, and according to regulatory procedures, their guns were taken from them to be examined by forensic experts as part of the police investigation.

However, one man, who lives in the Shomron, was scared for his life to leave the police station without his weapon, especially since photos of him killing the terrorist were published online and the terrorists’ relatives may be seeking to avenge his death.

When he refused to leave the police station without his gun, the policeman threatened to arrest him!

The Honenu legal aid organization published a video of the encounter, sparking a storm of outrage against the police.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. tens of thousands should storm the police station, and if these leftist self hating rats don’t give him back his gun, burn it down

  2. The israeli police a WORSE than the natzis:
    They are diabeling their own btrothers from fighting back
    Hashem yinkom damam from all those who die by the hand of the israeli natzi regime.
    Time to get a normal government in israel

  3. Dozens of protesters outside the police station demand to return his weapon to the citizen.
    News 0404 22/03/2022

    Israel continues favor the Arab section. Including softness on terror and heavy hand on defenders.

  4. According to Arutz7 the Jewish Judge who pardon the terrorist on good behavior after giving him only him 4 years for prior terrorist attack.
    It looks like that Israeli police are like thugs can only intimidate Jews even when they save other Jews. To the Israeli police “Jewish Life Matter”.
    The Hero who killed your terrorist friend is afraid to back to his neighborhood because your thug’s friends might be looking for him. SO YOU IDIOTS
    Where were you?
    Oh wow maybe you JUST DONT CARE WHEN JEWS DIE.

  5. Nothing outrageous about it at all.
    Someone was killed and the guns were evidence, subject to forensic examonation.
    Standard procedure.
    Of course, it was unfair to the hero who did the shooting, but the police have no choice.

  6. The bigger outrage is that the Israeli government is afraid to do the one thing that actually has some success in stopping these attacks. Eliminate everything at the source of this. The family should be eliminated. Their tents should be confiscated, and their belongings seized. As Bedouins, they may not have much in assets or bank accounts. These chayos will see the piles of corpses among their own, and will think twice before launching these attacks. The fear of the apologists from the left is unreasonable. Every such attempt should result in the hanging of a dozen headless Arab corpses from their “downtown” or other public areas.

  7. In the United States, law enforcement could and have kept the guns indefinitely. Just the way defensive shootings work.

  8. Shlomo 2, it is completely outrageous. THe police had plenty of choice.

    First of all, why on earth was there any need to run any tests on the gun? To find out whether it fired the fatal bullet? Who cares? What difference does it make which weapon did for the animal? Is there only one medal to give out?! Both shooters should get one regardless. A test is only needed if you are considering bringing charges against the shooter, and will therefore need to prove that he fired the fatal shot. Here that is surely not a consideration.

    But even if for some reason they must run the test, there was no reason why they couldn’t let him wait inside the police station until it was done. That’s all he wanted. You can hear him on the recording saying that he’s willing to wait.

    At the very least, as Aweiszguy said, they should have given him a loaner.

    But the bottom line is that their procedure is not more important than his right to have the means to defend himself.

    As for the fake “charedi”‘s point that there are places in the USA where the police never give the gun back, that only happens where the police are hoplophobic nazis, and that is outrageous too. Such police belong in prison. That doesn’t make the Israeli police’s behavior any less outrageous.

  9. Just made an account to leave a comment. It goes without saying that the actions of the terrorist are abhorrent. As someone mentioned in the comments, police do their routine investigation in these matters before returning firearms.
    However, there is something else that no one mentioned. After the terrorist was shot once or twice while he was lunging and proceeded to collapse, the man in the red shirt approached the terrorist while he was laying down and not an immediate threat and shot him twice. There are rules of engagement when someone receives a permit to use a firearm and those rules dictate for the firearm to be used when under immediate danger. Those who saw what happened to Lior Azaria the young soldier who shot a terrorist while he was laying down will realize that this is the same circumstance. Lior was given a hail sentence and demoted. This can possibly happen here too unless it is proven that the first shot or two was enough to kill him and for that they would use ballistics to see which gun fired which bullet (the lens and grooves on a gun are like fingerprint that can identify the firearm). He could have pointed the gun on him while he was laying down until police arrive. But once he is not an immediate threat, he can’t be shot at. Otherwise everyone would take the law into their hands.

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