SEE IT: Two Yarmulka-Wearing Israelis Shoot And Kill Armed Terrorist

הבא להורגך השכם להורגו

The video below is graphic – user discretion is advised.

Watch two Frum Yermulka-wearing Israelis shoot and kill the Palestinian terrorist who had just murdered four people in cold blood, and was still holding a knife and wanting to kill others.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. Why do we “have to see this?” I’m glad
    people helped out to prevent more
    terror and death, but what benefit does this
    have, other than getting more views for the website?

  2. Typical YWN!!
    Just like NYT and BbC they have to emphasize two “yarlmuka wearing jews”
    It’s about time you close up shop!!!

  3. Have we become so immune that we enjoy watching someone killed? Terrorist or not…it lowers our sensitivity. Not sure this is bderech of the real yeshiva world

  4. My esteemed Mentor Moreinu Horav Meir Kahana HY’D said:- Expel & Deport every single one of them from 🇮🇱 .

    Oh my Gosh:- He was so astute & correct on this one.

  5. That’s the only language they understand. Now the world, including Ukraine, can condemn Israel at the United Nations.

  6. Sick!!! BDE for the people who got stabbed by this terrorist dog! He had a terrible death ☠️ but it’s not even %1 of would G-D will do to him!

  7. B”H that a Jew saved the life of another Jew and possibly others.
    But, nebach, it is sad that this is what the Zionist paradise requires of its Jews.

    The Zionist paradise has never known a day of peace in its bloody existence (not to mention its war and terror on the British and Arabs before 1948) and its prior leader admitted that they will live by the sword forever; this is, of course, Esav’s tools.

    May Hashem redeem all His children immediately.

  8. they should have fired at him as soon as they got there, and not waited for him to charge at them. very dangerous.

    also after he was already down, they should have shot him once more in the head to finish him

  9. Just made an account to leave a comment. It goes without saying that the actions of the terrorist are abhorrent. As someone mentioned in the comments, police do their routine investigation in these matters before returning firearms.
    However, there is something else that no one mentioned. After the terrorist was shot once or twice while he was lunging and proceeded to collapse, the man in the red shirt approached the terrorist while he was laying down and not an immediate threat and shot him twice. There are rules of engagement when someone receives a permit to use a firearm and those rules dictate for the firearm to be used when under immediate danger. Those who saw what happened to Lior Azaria the young soldier who shot a terrorist while he was laying down will realize that this is the same circumstance. Lior was given a jail sentence and demoted. This can possibly happen here too unless it is proven that the first shot or two was enough to kill him and for that they would use ballistics to see which gun fired which bullet (the lens and grooves on a gun are like fingerprint that can identify the firearm). He could have pointed the gun on him while he was laying down until police arrive. But once he is not an immediate threat, he can’t be shot at. Otherwise everyone would take the law into their hands.

  10. @aymdock Yes he did have to shoot him. As long as hes alive and holding a weapon he is a threat. It is a split second decision one has to make in the heat of the moment with the adrenaline pumping. Its easy for you to sit back and make comments not being in the situation. He did a great job, both of them.

  11. “He did NOT have to shoot him while he was lying on the ground already immobilized.”

    On the contrary he should have unloaded.

    I’m more more offended by seeing this than seeing a mouse caught in a trap.

    May this fool be forgotten.

  12. if he would have shot the terrorist before he made an attempt on his life he could have gotten in a lot of trouble although it was extremely risky to wait for that moment also the terrorist wasn’t dead right away you can never be to careful

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