Israeli Field Hospital Begins Operating In Ukraine

Israeli field hospital in Ukraine. (Photos: GPO)

An Israeli field hospital began operating in the Ukrainian town of Mostyska on Tuesday following the arrival of medical teams from Israel, the first such initiative by any country since the war began.

Mostyska is about eight miles from the Polish border in western Ukraine, near the city of Lviv, where hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have headed since the war began.

The hospital was named Kochav Meir (Shining Star) after former Israeli prime minister Golda Meir, who was not only born in Ukraine but was the founder of the Foreign Ministry’s Agency for International Development Cooperation aid program.

Seventeen tons of equipment were shipped to the hospital, which is located on the grounds of an elementary school, over the past week. The hospital has an emergency room, pediatric and adult inpatient departments, a delivery room, and a medical clinic.

The hospital is being operated by Sheba Hospital in collaboration with Israel’s Health and Foreign Ministries.

The medical staff at Ben-Gurion on Tuesday morning. (Chaim Tzach/GPO)

Below is a video of the opening ceremony of the hospital in Ukraine:

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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