GIVING UP: Bennett Says “No Point” in Fighting US Over Iran Nuclear Deal

(AP Photo/Florian Schroetter, FILE)

With a nuclear deal between the United States and Iran appearing to be imminent, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is effectively throwing in the towel, saying there’s “no point” in fighting the Biden administration because they’ll sign the deal anyway.

“We need to pick our battles with the Americans,” Bennett told a meeting of the security cabinet. “There’s no point in an international tour against the agreement. We need to conduct our battles only where there’s a concrete goal.”

Earlier, Bennett said the United States is in a mindset in which it is willing to sign a deal with Iran, no matter the cost.

“Unfortunately, there is determination to sign a nuclear agreement with Iran at almost any price, including saying that the world’s largest terrorist organization is not a terrorist organization,” Bennett told a cabinet meeting. “That is too high a price.”

Bennett was referring to reported U.S. intentions to remove the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iran’s paramilitary wing, from the list of terrorist organizations. The IRGC is widely recognized as the largest terrorist organization in the world.

“This is not just an Israeli problem,” Bennett said. “Other countries – allies of the United States in the region – face this organization day in and day out. In recent years, they have fired missiles at peaceful countries and launched UAVs at Israel and other countries. Even now, the IRGC terrorist organization is trying to murder certain Israelis and Americans around the world.”

Former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that Iran will “take the entire world hostage” if the deal goes through.

“First of all, they can take the entire world hostage,” Netanyahu told conservative U.S. radio host Mark Levin. “I think it changes history. And that’s why I took the unusual step of coming to the Congress, speaking there – something that was not easy to do.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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