Israel: City Workers Fear Exposure to Harmful Emissions

If one were to enter the mapping office in the Beersheva government complex, one would see a 300 meter room that is almost vacant with the nine employees assigned to the department huddled together in a 60-meter area of the room.

According to the employees, very large transformers supplying electricity to the government complex and the nearby shopping center are situated directly under most of the 300 meter office space. They explain very large quantities of electromagnetic discharges are being emitted and as a result, they prefer to abandon the spacious area, preferring to huddle together in cramped quarters to avoid direct prolonged exposure.

Shortly after entering the office, they noticed the flickering on their computer screens which led to a test, revealing the dangerously high levels of exposure in the area, 30 times the maximum permitted.

Nevertheless, they continue paying rent and arnona property tax on the entire area even though in actuality, they are only occupying about 20% of the area.

According to Ashmoret Real Estate, which manages the government complex, an inspection conducted by Environmental Ministry officials confirmed there are no dangerous emissions. Finance Ministry officials add that special partitions were installed which eliminated most of the harmful emissions, bringing the level down to below the maximum acceptable range.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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