WATCH: Bibi Departs From Gadol HaDor, Z’tl, Gets Stuck At Neighbor’s Home Due To Crowd

Netanyahu at the home of HaRav Chaim, z'tl, on Motzei Shabbos.

Former prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu traveled to Bnei Brak after midnight on Motzei Shabbos to pay his respects to HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, zt’l.

Netanyahu came accompanied by heavy security to the modest home on Rashbam and recited pirkei Tehilim.

When Netanyahu was ready to depart back to Jerusalem, his security guards had to evacuate him to a neighbor’s home due to the thousands of people who had crowded around the home. Netanyahu was stuck at the home of the Malachi family for two hours in the building next door while his security guards waited for an opportunity to safely escort him from the area. Ultimately, they had to enlist the help of the local police.



Netanyahu sits in a neighbor’s home after getting stuck on Rechov Rashbam due to the crowd. Also pictured is Kikar H’Shabbat reporter Yisrael Cohen. (Photo: Yaki Adamker Twitter)

While waiting, Netanyahu recorded a video saying: “I’m here in the apartment next to the home of HaRav Kanievsky, z’tl. He was a true tzaddik – a very great tzaddik and luminary, of the giants of the generation who preserved the flame of Toras Yisrael which is the basis of Am Yisrael, and he accomplished this in a way that warmed and captured the hearts of people in Israel and around the world.”

“I know that I’m speaking to a huge public who is aware that this a terrible loss – a great loss for Toras Yisrael and Am Yisrael. We will always preserve his memory and follow in his light.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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