The Last Moments Of HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, Z”TL

Photo: Shuki Lehrer

During the last moments of the life of the Gadol HaDor, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, zt’l, his grandsons, Reb Yanky Kanievsky and HaRav Gedalia Honisberg, were in in the room with him and noticed that his oxygen level had decreased and he had slipped away with a misa neshika.

They quickly called emergency rescue services and the first to arrive was Yisrael Altar of United Hatzalah, who performed resuscitation techniques on the Gadol Hador.

Other paramedics arrived and carried out prolonged resusication attempts for a full hour. However, ultimately, there was nothing to do but declare the Gadol HaDor’s petirah and weep over the overwhelming loss.

Chevra Kadisha members and HaRav Moshe Bauer were allowed to enter the room to ensure that the temperature in the room was regulated.

As far as is known, HaRav Chaim, z’tl, did not write a will, following in the footsteps of his father, the Steipler, zt’l, and his uncle, the Chazon Ish, zt’l, who did not leave wills.

According to the plan, only HaRav Chaim’s children and grandchildren and his brother-in-law HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein will be maspid at the levaya.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. YWN, here’s your respect for the Gadol Hador? Hw do you dare post a picture like this? No one is asking for it, and the only ones who are interested in seeing it are those whose curiosity overrides their respect for Rav Chaim ztz”l and the Torah he represented (and still represents). Please do the right thing and take this picture down. It’s absolutely awful that you posted it.

  2. (typos in previous comment submission)
    YWN, where’s your respect for the Gadol Hador? How do you dare post a picture like this? No one is asking for it, and the only ones who are interested in seeing it are those whose curiosity overrides their respect for Rav Chaim ztz”l and the Torah he represented (and still represents). Please do the right thing and take this picture down. It’s absolutely awful that you posted it.

  3. Whenever we see a sefer on the floor, we pick it up and kiss it. How much more so, if chas v’chalila, that sefer is a Sefer Torah. Hav HaGaon Rav Kanievsky, Zecher Tzaddik v’Kadosh L’Bracha was a living sefer Torah! Granted, there is a minhag to put the niftar on the floor. However, that does not justify taking pictures of him in that matzav. For shame!

  4. Welcome to reality. It may not be comfortable but this is the Halacha of one’s passing on. Harav hagoan ha tzaddik moreinu Rav Chaim Zecher tzaddik livrocho is being handled within our realms of Halacha exactly how he lived his life without comfort but real. Let’s all face it and remember our next move

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