Republicans: We Will Not Support New Iran Nuclear Deal

(AP Photo/Florian Schroetter, FILE)

All but one of the 50 Republicans in the Senate said they will not back a nuclear deal between the US and Iran that is nearing reality.

The Republicans wrote in a joint statement that President Biden’s deal would weaken sanctions and lessen restrictions on Iran, with the lawmakers pledging to everything in their power to stop any agreement that doesn’t “completely block” Iran’s ability to build a nuclear weapon.

Senator Rand Paul was the only Republican not to sign the statement, with the Kentucky lawmaker saying that “condemning a deal that is not yet formulated is akin to condemning diplomacy itself, not a very thoughtful position.”

There were indications last week that a deal could be reached within days, but talks were suspended on Friday after Russia demanded loopholes to bypass sanctions, and no timetable has been set to return to talks.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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