Tragedy In Israel: Reb Alon Cohen, Z’l, Killed In Car Accident

In a tragic incident, Reb Alon Cohen, zt’l, was killed in a car accident near Rishon L’Tzion on Monday afternoon.

The niftar, in his 50s, was a member of the Breslov community in Rishon L’Tzion and was a known figure in the Chareidi community in the city.

Rav Cohen, z’l, was known as a person who was constantly b’simcha and was the first one to volunteer to contribute to any public cause or assist others.

He left behind a wife and six children, the youngest of whom is only a month old.

Yehi Zichro Baruch.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. When will israel make safe streets instead of these narrow unsafe roads where you need to drive into oncoming traffic to switch lanes.

  2. Rats Rats DemocRATs, the USA has much more traffic related fatalities then Israel, i hope there won’t be any deaths anywhere, when there is a car accident in Israel you complain but when it happens in America you don’t…

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